New year, new you! Here are some amazing service opportunities very close to St. John Fisher University, brought to you by a Fisher Service Scholar.

The Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House is a charity providing free accommodations and meals to families of sick or injured children receiving hospital treatments. Specifically, the Westmoreland Drive address in Rochester houses many families at a time, and volunteers become chefs who cook breakfast and dinner during the work week. It could be as simple as throwing out old food and doing dishes; the families at the house are going through a lot and they appreciate the little things! The primary reason for this amazing nonprofit is to reduce the stress and financial burden of families. Volunteer Coordinator Erika Galbo at the Rochester location is without a doubt dedicated and passionate about helping these families and she is always excited to have more volunteers! If you are interested in making friends or just helping those in need, this is a great opportunity to look into. Currently, Fisher Campus Ministry volunteers at Ronald McDonald house to make dinner Sunday 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Foodlink is a food bank in Rochester, NY. Their mission is to end hunger and create healthier communities. Volunteer opportunities include sorting food, helping at the curbside market, and working at the community farm. Sorting food requires inspecting donations in the distribution center. When helping at the curbside market, volunteers assist customers buy fresh produce in areas where it’s not easily accessible. The community farm is a great place to volunteer as well, where you can help maintain and harvest produce from the farm. Foodlink tries very hard to decrease food deserts in Rochester and continue their mission of ending hunger in Monroe County. 151,000 people in and around Rochester, NY are considered food insecure, which is the highest number in 10 years. Foodlink makes fighting hunger a community-wide effort and you can truly see the impact it makes towards those in need.
EquiCenter is a nonprofit that sits on 200-acre property and is an association for equestrian therapeutic services for children of all abilities. EquiCenter provides educational opportunities for individuals of all ages and ability levels. This volunteer program is unlike any other, as you have a hands-on role from helping on the farm to helping with ongoing events where you can see the difference you make. You can even volunteer to assist with adaptive riding and horsemanship. You don’t need any horseback riding experience and it allows you to interact with the amazing staff and therapeutic animals. Through this experience you get to see what EquiCenter is all about, and how this nonprofit can positively impact community members.

Bethany House
Bethany House provides temporary housing assistance and support to women and children in Rochester, NY, afflicted with homelessness from domestic violence, incarceration, addiction, mental health illnesses and physical ailments. This organization strives to promote peace, equality, and compassion through the dignity of people, creating an inclusive community for all. Every Wednesday they start prayer services together at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner as a community at 6:00 p.m. Bethany House is actively looking for volunteers to make and serve dinner. Campus Ministry makes these dinners once a month at Bethany House. Bethany House also has a food pantry every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm. The food pantry is run completely by volunteers. Both of these volunteer opportunities allow for women and children to stay safe and fed in some of their darkest times. Many times, it’s the little things that we do for our community that create more inclusiveness and kindness. If you are interested, you can sign up on their Instagram. These dinners make a huge difference to sick children’s families.
Actions for a Better Community
Actions for a Better Community is a not-for-profit community action agency promoting opportunities for low income individuals and families. They work to help these families not only be self-sufficient but inspire hope. There are many different programs throughout this not-for-profit that range from adult education services to financial freedom projects. It allows college students to use the skills that they’ve learned during their years here at Fisher to help low income communities thrive. This organization also works with not just adults, but also with youth to provide a way to help children strive while also allowing them to still be kids. One interesting opportunity is a summer youth employment, which is a state-funded program from RochesterWorks offering youths with first-time work experiences. Through this program, young people learn how to keep employment positions while advocating for their community through service learning initiatives. To learn more about this incredible nonprofit, go to
As the year progresses, consider taking a few friends to some of these amazing sites. They are always looking forward to more volunteers. This world has so many people who need our help. Fisher students, are you ready for the challenge?