Be on the lookout for donation drop-off boxes around Fisher! The drive will run from Nov. 27 through Dec. 8. These donations can include toys for children of all ages, ranging from children’s picture books to earbuds for teenagers. Winter clothing such as hats, mittens, and coats are also encouraged. Any necessity is also welcome to be donated, especially hygiene products. Donations should include new items only. A full list of suggested donation items can be found here.
Mary’s Place is a nonprofit in Rochester that provides support and services to refugees in the community. Some of their programs include classes in English and vocational skills, as well as immigration support services. Mary’s Place also gives out food, school supplies, and other necessities to refugees. Each year, Mary’s Place hosts a winter gift drive, which collects gifts for children and winter clothes for refugees and their families.
The drive is being hosted by first-year Honors Program students. “Our Honors class works with Mary’s Place each year,” said Jake Firnstein. “We take a trip to visit them and then host this drive at Fisher.”
The class hopes that this drive will have a positive impact on refugees in the Rochester area. “Refugees have gone through a lot, moving countries and changing cultures,” said Brendan Bucello. “We’re trying to help them in any way we can.”
“We’ve been learning a lot about them in our class,” Firnstein said. “It’s a really tough life, so we want to do anything to make it easier.”
Students also want the drive to have a positive impact on Fisher. “We hope this will open more students’ eyes to refugees and their situations,” said Bucello. “It will help students be more inclined to help out. We’re all trying to do our part.”
Donation boxes can be found in Basil Hall (entrance), CyberCafe (by registers), Fay (TRIO & 103), Kearney (Dean’s Suite 203 & K306), Campus Center (NEST, SGA Office, across from Security), Health Sciences (ISHS 214), Library (by statue), Nursing (Dean’s Suite 201), and Salerno (inside main door on left by tree).
This is a student-led drive by the Honors Learning Community class (Dr. Rossi/Dr. Singh). However, if you have any questions, please reach out to Dr. Jenna Rossi at [email protected]. For more information on Mary’s Place and their programs, visit their website.